Friday 3 May 2024

Track Tales: Riding the Rails to Adventure

Doesn't travelling and going around sound so much fun? Well, it was the same for me before coming to my university. I had to move out of my house to pursue higher education in a different state that is much far from the place I belong to. Because of this I have travel for long durations in a single day just to reach my home. Although it indeed is a fun experience but the tiredness that comes along with it is still the the worst part about it. You might be thinking that what is the worst part then it's the unsanitary washrooms and seating areas. The washrooms both in waiting rooms as well as trains are super icky and although the authorities claim of keeping it tidy but it is sincerely not the actual case. I wouldn't completely blame on the authorities though because they have installed vacuum commodes and better sinks but still it's the carelessness of few passengers that ruins the experience. 

The beautiful New Delhi Railway Station (NDLS) has amusing graffiti on walls and also provides quite nice seating areas aka the waiting rooms at a really cheap price. Yet again, the immaturity of a few people leads to the dirtying of the space. There are dustbins placed around the Railway station as well as inside the waiting rooms too but still people will throw the trash on either floor or stuff it in the shelves made to keep the luggage. It is a commendable thing on the authorities part as they really are trying to keep the place as clean as possible all times as the workers and sweepers keep on brooming and wiping the floor back and forth to keep it as clean as it is supposed to be like.

The various services and coordination of the staff as well as authorities helps to make the place better for the people but in response it is us the public that is ruining the environment of the place. Certain things are infact in our hand to change the way of fee things. Instead of just doing same as the person who is doing wrong we can do what is actually right to further promote what is meant to be done instead of what is not meant to be done. These are merely small steps from the perspective as a single person but if majority starts to think in the same way it for sure will make a difference that will be highly noticeable and also environmentally sustainable and helpful.

Let's make a pledge to our own selves to not litter around in public places too. Once you start considering the building or monument as not a public litter ground but infact a place that has been made to help the public at nominal to no cost, it is then when you yourself would try to preserve the architectures around.

Thursday 25 April 2024

From Floods to Drought: A Tale of Dubai's Deluge and Rajasthan's Dry Spell in 2024

In 2024, two contrasting natural disasters struck different parts of the world: floods in Dubai and drought in Rajasthan, India. These events highlighted the unpredictable nature of climate change and its impacts on communities.

Dubai Floods:Dubai, known for its towering skyscrapers and desert landscape, experienced unexpected floods in 2024. Heavy rainfall overwhelmed the city's drainage systems, leading to waterlogging on roads and disruption of daily life. The floods caused traffic jams, property damage, and temporary closures of businesses.

Despite being a desert city, Dubai is not immune to extreme weather events. Climate change is causing shifts in weather patterns, leading to more intense and erratic rainfall. The city's infrastructure, designed for arid conditions, struggled to cope with the sudden deluge.

Authorities in Dubai responded swiftly to the floods, deploying emergency teams to assist affected residents and clear waterlogged areas. However, the event served as a reminder of the importance of climate adaptation measures and the need for sustainable urban planning to mitigate future risks.

Rajasthan Drought:Meanwhile, in the western state of Rajasthan, India, 2024 brought severe drought conditions. Known for its arid climate, Rajasthan is no stranger to water scarcity, but the drought of 2024 was particularly harsh. Depleted groundwater levels, failed monsoons, and inadequate water management exacerbated the situation, leaving many communities struggling to access clean water for drinking and agriculture.
The drought in Rajasthan had devastating consequences for farmers, livestock, and the economy. Crops withered in the fields, livestock perished due to lack of fodder and water, and rural livelihoods were severely affected. The drought also highlighted the vulnerability of marginalized communities, who often bear the brunt of such disasters.

Efforts to alleviate the impact of the drought included government interventions such as water supply schemes, relief measures for affected communities, and awareness campaigns on water conservation. However, long-term solutions, such as sustainable water management practices and drought-resistant crop varieties, are needed to build resilience against future droughts in Rajasthan.

In conclusion, the contrasting experiences of Dubai floods and Rajasthan drought in 2024 underscore the urgent need for global action on climate change. These events serve as wake-up calls for governments, communities, and individuals to prioritize climate resilience and adaptation strategies to safeguard against the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events.

Sunday 14 April 2024

Title: How Weather Affects Market Sales: Summer vs. Winter

Weather plays a big role in our lives, even when it comes to shopping! Have you ever noticed how your shopping habits change depending on whether it's summer or winter? As I recently visited the local market in my area which usually used to stay all packed in winters seemed quite roomy to roam around. Noticing the difference in the number of customers between different seasons, the curiosity inside of me led to ask a few shopkeepers if this is an observed phenomenon or it was just on that day. After talking to few of them where the customers would line up to buy things I got to know a lot about my query. So now, let's explore how the difference in weather affects market sales:

Ah, the sunny days of summer! When the weather gets warmer, people's shopping habits often change. Here's how:

•Outdoor Activities: Summer is all about fun in the sun! But the scorching jeat forces people to spend more time inside, enjoying activities that include entertainment indoors and avoiding visiting outdoors. This also means they might buy more items like sunscreen, airy clothes, coolers, and indoor toys.

•Refreshing Beverages: Nothing beats a cold drink on a hot day! In summer, sales of beverages like lemonade, iced tea, and soda tend to go up as people try to stay cool and hydrated.

•Seasonal Produce: With warmer weather comes an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables. Farmer's markets and grocery stores see a boost in sales as people stock up on juicy watermelons, ripe tomatoes, and other fresh and organic harvests.

When winter arrives, the market sales shift once again. Here's how the colder weather impacts shopping:

•Warm Clothing: Brrr, it's cold outside! As temperatures drop, people start bundling up in warm clothing like coats, scarves, and gloves. Retailers see an increase in sales of winter wear as customers prepare for the chilly weather. Also, they feel more interested in wandering round as the weather seems more favourable to walk around the market without having to face much problems.

•Comfort Foods: There's something about winter that makes us crave hearty, comforting meals. Sales of items like soup ingredients, hot chocolate mix, and baking supplies tend to rise as people cozy up indoors and indulge in their favorite comfort foods.

• Holiday Shopping: It's the season for giving! Winter is full of holidays like Diwali, Christmas, and New Year's Eve, which means people are out shopping for gifts, decorations, and festive treats. Retailers often experience a surge in sales during this time as shoppers spread holiday cheer.

Weather has a significant impact on market sales throughout the year. Whether it's the sunny days of summer or the chilly nights of winter, people's shopping habits are influenced by the changing seasons. By understanding these patterns, businesses can better anticipate customer needs and tailor their offerings accordingly. So, next time you're out shopping, take a moment to think about how the weather might be influencing your purchases!

Sunday 10 March 2024

Exploring Generosity and Compassion at an Old Age Home in Chaheru, Punjab

On the occasion of Maha Shivratri and International Women's day our university decided to take us to an old age home near our university. This was founded by few localities namely, Avtar Singh Mann, Gian Singh Surjit, Sital Singh Sitara and Rajinder Singh Bhatti. These individuals had faced hardships due to their disabilities but they were blessed to be able to achieve much in their life to be able to help others too. This was when they decided of framing the building for the needy around them. 

Nestled in just between the midpoint of satluj and beas river, lies an old age home that embodies the essence of generosity and compassion. As I stepped through its welcoming gates, I was greeted by the peaceful aura of the place, where stories of lifetimes were etched into every corner.

The first thing that caught my eye was the magnificent Gurudwara, standing tall and proud within the premises. Its golden domes shimmered under the bright sun, inviting all to seek solace and spirituality. The inside of the gurudwarawas even more breathtaking, it was lit up with beautiful and calming lights and the oppurtunity of getting the prasad made it even more divine.

Walking further, I was introduced to the residents of this home, elderly individuals whose faces lit up with warmth as they shared their tales with us. Each wrinkle on their faces seemed to hold a story, a testament to the lives they had lived. Despite the challenges of aging, their spirits remained strong, expressing the sense of community and care that surrounded them.

What struck me the most was the inclusivity of this place. Not only did it serve as a haven for the elderly, but it also extended its arms to single parents and disabled children. In a special wing of the home, children with disabilities found a safe space to learn, play, and grow. The laughter of these children echoed through the halls, a reminder of the joy that can be found in even the most challenging circumstances too.

As I spent more time in the old age home, I witnessed the tireless dedication of the staff. Their commitment to serving others was truly inspiring. Whether it was preparing meals with love, organizing activities, or simply lending a listening ear, they went above and beyond to ensure that every resident felt valued and cared for.

One of the most touching moments of my visit was witnessing the connection and sensitivityof the bonds of the elderly people and young staff. It was a beautiful sight to see, bridging the gap between generations and fostering a sense of unity and understanding.

Leaving the old age home, I carried with me a profound sense of gratitude. Gratitude for the opportunity to witness such selfless acts of kindness, and gratitude for the reminder that compassion knows no bounds. In a world that can often feel chaotic and divided, places like this old age home stand as beacons of hope, reminding us of the power of empathy and community.

If you ever find yourself spiritless or apathetic, I urge you to visit this remarkable place. It is more than just an old age home; it is a testament to the enduring spirit of humanity and how one must never lose hope no matter how bad it gets for you, just keep your faith and devotion in the divine and your deeds and one shall be blessed with divinity and blessings.

Track Tales: Riding the Rails to Adventure

Doesn't travelling and going around sound so much fun? Well, it was the same for me before coming to my university. I had to move out of...