Thursday 8 February 2024

A wonderful day at Harike Wetland in Punjab.

Hello there! On the ocasion of world wetland day(2nd February) I visited Harike Wetland in Punjab and so wanted to share my amazing experience. It's a fantastic place filled with nature's wonders that left me feeling happy and connected to the world around me.

When I first arrived, the sun was shining, and the air was fresh. As I walked along the well-kept paths, I could hear the sounds of birds singing in the distance. Harike Wetland is a special home for many different kinds of birds. During the winter, it becomes a temporary home for birds like Siberian cranes, painted storks, and ducks who travel a long way to enjoy its warmth.

The wetland is big, and there are lots of green plants everywhere. It felt like a calm oasis away from the busy city. The trails are easy to walk on, and the view from the elevated platforms is breathtaking. I saw the water reflecting the trees and the sky, making everything look like a beautiful painting.

Although everything till now seems too good but it really was as good as I'm describing it. But with this I also had to face quite a lot of problems that the community should take care of as of like absence of washrooms and water or food stalls. 

I do understand that by not providing food stalls they are ultimately protecting the environment from getting polluted or dirtied by the visitors but water is a basic need and especially if the weather is humid or hot. It is tough for visitors to prepare themselves to roam without any food or water available and not even washrooms. Also, the walking distance from the entrance gate to the deck is quite a lot which might be tiring and also a difficulty if someone decides to visit the place with children or some elderly people.

I will say though that we were provided by food from a nearby gurudwara but it was during afternoon and what if someone decides to take an evening visit or tout them they will have to face lot of problems if not known about the policies and regulations. 

In conclusion, Harike Wetland is definitely a magical place where nature shows its beauty. Whether you love birds or just want a peaceful retreat, this wetland in Punjab is a place that will leave you with a happy heart and a love for the wonders of our natural world.

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